Fractional laser facial skin rejuvenation - what is it

the essence of fractional laser facial skin rejuvenation procedure

Fractional rejuvenation is a procedure in cosmetology using the technique of thermal action on the layers of the skin with a laser to get rid of blemishes and signs of aging. Professional laser facial skin rejuvenation can be performed in a special facility.


  1. Applying an impact on the skin surface to stimulate the regeneration process inside the cells.
  2. Accelerated tissue renewal through exposure targeted exclusively to defective areas with a gentle effect that excludes the appearance of scars or scars.
  3. Absence of complications during the rehabilitation period, independently regulated by the patient.
  4. Demonstration of a visual effect after the first session and achieving one hundred percent of the desired result after a course of several procedures (up to five).
  5. Realization without prior preparation.
  6. Compatibility with drugs given by injection.
  7. Lack of change in normal pace of life and work routine.
  8. The impact is achieved without direct contact and without pain without taking into account the age of the patient and the complexity of the problems to be solved.

Indications for use

The technique of using a laser eliminates:

  • scars;
  • stretch marks;
  • wrinkles;
  • vascular mesh;
  • age spots;
  • other flaws that worsen the beauty of the face.


Split rejuvenation is not performed when:

fractional laser rejuvenation before and after photos
  • some allergic reactions and poor immunity;
  • acne, skin irritation and inflammation;
  • infectious diseases during an exacerbation;
  • diabetes, poor circulation and poor blood clotting;
  • neurological diseases;
  • oncological pathologies;
  • pregnancy and lactation.


  1. Consultation for the development of personal criteria, taking into account the age of the patient, as well as to determine the order of impact on the problem areas and its depth.
  2. Anesthesia of affected areas of the face.
  3. Cleaning of traces of cosmetics and impurities.
  4. Exposure with a laser.
  5. Fixing the result by covering the areas of influence with a special means.
  6. Recommendations for the subsequent care of treated facial surfaces.

A specialized cosmetologist performs a session using a special laser technique for one hour.

Following the instructions of a specialist excludes the occurrence of complications. However, you should contact your doctor immediately if:

  • edema, redness and itching persist for several days;
  • pain sensations increase;
  • scars or scars appear as a result of procedures.

Negative side effects can occur as a result of a poor quality examination before the procedure, masking health problems and low professionalism of the artist.

After the sessions you should take more vitamins, protect the skin from direct rays and apply healing creams and ointments daily. With gentle care, the skin will appear fresher, better and younger than before the procedure.